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Sunday, December 28, 2008


I.AdWords Strategies Part 2 Increasing Page Position

AdWords Strategies to Increase Page Position

There are many AdWords strategies to consider however the purpose of this Article is to help you understand why it is important to have a high page position and what AdWords strategies you can implement to in order to obtain one. The while there are many reasons for you to obtain a high page position I will only concentrate one to for now as it is considered to be by many the most important. The reason that you want a high page position in Google AdWords is an obvious one for most; you want more traffic. Traffic leads to more sales. In other words the more traffic you have the more money you make. The more visible your AdWords ad is to the reader then the more clicks you are likely to get. In other words the less work a person has to do in order to see your add the better. If you AdWords Ad is in the first position Google\'s search results the user looking for a product can more easily see your ad then if you were in the 10th position.

Google AdWords Quality Score

Google AdWords uses a quality score system to rate your ads keywords in relation to your overall campaign. The Quality score of Google AdWords is very important when considering page position and is directly related. Let me explain. The better your quality score the lower your cost per click will be, assuming that all other areas of your campaign are in unison with other AdWords quality score criteria. There are several determining factors to consider when trying to obtain a high quality score, however I will focus on two main factors for now that can have a dramatic effect on your quality score. The first determining factor is that of relevance. The more relevant you overall campaign is to your to the product or service you are selling is the better. You don\'t want to have the keyword \"meditation\" if your advertisement says \"AdWords Strategies\" unless your selling meditation related products or services. The history of your campaign is also very important in determining your quality score. If you have had a bad campaign on a certain URL that you are using for a landing page in the past and you are struggling to increase your quality score, you may want to consider starting a new campaign with a new URL.

The \"Pay Over\" Strategy

Another AdWords strategy for those that have money to spare is one of the most obvious. For this AdWords strategy what you are going to do is outbid your competitor. However your are not just going to bid the going rate. You are going to bid well over the highest rate. By doing this you are accomplishing three things. First of all in most cases you are going to be in the number one page position on Google. Secondly You are going to increases the bid for your competitors. Additionally you will be making it harder for your competitors to compete with you, and possible have them drop out of the competition for your keyword or keywords all together. Now you are not going to keep your bid over the highest suggested price for too long. Once you see your competitors drop out of the competition you can go ahead and reduce your bid, while still obtaining the highest page position.


In conclusion page position is arguably one of the most important factors to consider when starting an advertising campaign with Google AdWords. The higher your page position is the more visible your AdWords ad is, which ultimately can translate into more clicks, which in turn can mean more sales. There are many things you can do to increase your page position however some of the easiest and most effective are improving your quality score and paying more than your competitor. Overall, implementing AdWords strategies can be lot of work and takes focus and determination, however in the end it\'s worth it.

II.AdWords Strategies Part 1 Improving Your CTR (Click Through Rate) with Google AdWords

AdWords Strategies For Improving Your CTR (Click Through Rate) with Google AdWords

The purpose of this article is to get you the knowledge you need to know to increase your CTR with Google AdWords. Why would you want to do that? Well there are many different reasons why but for now I want to just concentrate on two. The first reason that you want to increase your CTR is because you want to increase your sales. The more clicks you get, the better chance you have of getting the sale. The second reason is that the better the CTR you have the less you will pay per click. Your cost per click will go down due to a good history with your CTR. In other words the better your CTR the lower you pay per click.

AdWords Relevance

One of the best AdWords strategies you can implement immediately is to have your article be relevant. According to Google the better you are relating your AdWords Ad to your site then better you are connecting with your buyer. Google is trying to improve the quality to it's users, thus the more relevant your ad is to your landing page and product, the better quality experience Google's users have. This is better for you because it helps to increase your CTR by having highly targeted traffic. It is also better for your buyer because the ad they click on will be highly relevant to the search keywords they have entered. This is better for Google as well because the more you make the more you spend to continue advertising with them. Additionally it improves the quality of the experience that the user has with Google.

Landing Page Quality

The quality of your landing page is also of high importance when using AdWords. Not only is this important for Google but this is also important for your buyer. Does your landing page have pictures? Is it too much of a sales page? Are the colors you are using appealing to your potential customer? These are all questions that you want to ask when making your landing page. Does your headline catch the eye of your prospect? If not you may want to consider changing it. Your headline is the first thing your buyer will see when going to your landing page. Why not make it count? Conversely some landing pages do not have a clear sales pitch. You must have a specific call to action. If you are not asking the buyer to buy then he or she will not. Lastly you want to proof read your landing page. If you have minor grammar or spelling errors then it can deter potential buyers as well.


In conclusion you want to increase your CTR for two main reasons. The first reason again is for increasing your sales and the second is for lowering your cost. Additionally the more relevant your ad is the better experience Google's users will have. In turn this is better for you and Google. In other words, this will ensure highly targeted traffic for you and highly relevant search quality for Google users. Moreover, your landing page is an important factor not to be overlooked. Your overall appearance, such as headlines and pictures will have a major effect on your buyer. You want to make sure that you have a sales pitch and a clear call to action. Most importantly don't for get to proof read. Minor errors can cause a major loss in sales. The suggestions made in this article are important to include all AdWords campaigns and implementing them can help you to improve any marketing campaign in general as well as the use of any AdWords strategy.


I.Why All Corporations Need Data Protection

A corporation is built on more than hard work alone. The company has files, millions of them, that keep their websites running and their personal information secure. These files include data from investors, daily sales and profits and personal information about the clients and customers serviced by the company. When a company's business weighs heavily on data and the storage of that data, data protection can mean the difference between business as usual and the loss of corporate information.

There are two major styles of data backup. The hard drive backup and the virtual back up. The data protection solutions that are housed in a hard drive are a bit less secure than the virtual server due to the possibility of hard drive failure. Hard drive data protection is often housed within the walls of the company reducing the security even more.

The virtual data protection solutions are the most popular and the most effective. The information and data is stored on a virtual server, safe from the possibility of data loss. Virtual data protection is the safest data protection plan available to the corporation.

Data protection solutions are available for companies who have personal information that cannot be viewed by people outside of the company. This data protection provides encrypted storage either virtually or via a hard data protection in order to keep those safe documents safe.

Data protection does not stop at storing just business data. Data protection is also available for the corporation who needs to backup their files in case of an immediate emergency. Years of work can disappear in a second thanks to computer failure, storm damage or a hacking crime. With data protection, all files are backed up in a safe and secure location.

Most often, these data protection solutions back up data in more than one spot for added protection. The idea is to offer the most secure solution for the corporation. The data will be kept safe in a variety of locations far from the source of the data in order to prevent the possibly of wide scale loss.

When choosing data protection solutions, the corporation will need to ensure the information being stored is held on a virtual or hard server with enough space for the growing amount of data collected. When data needs to be moved from one space to another due to a lack of needed room, data loss can occur. Securing enough space for future data and files means keeping that corporation even more safe.

Data protection and data backup can be a great way for any company to take a bit of that stress off their shoulders. There is an added sense of comfort when a corporation does not have to worry about daily, weekly or monthly data backups or protection thanks to the data protection solutions available today. Keeping businesses safe and running is the idea behind protecting data. Whether the company chooses hard drive data protection or virtual data protection, the solutions available for corporations today are essential to the life of the business.

II.Data Backup: Daily Challenge

There is no doubt that many individuals and businesses depend upon the information captured and saved on company computers. However, a much smaller percentage of these businesses practice routine and complete data backup for the information stored on the computers. This is particularly true of those computers that are portable. Yet, laptops and notebooks are the most likely to be taken by thieves or accessed by hackers. Don't run the risk of losing critical data stored on your laptop or notebook because of poor backup practices or of complete lack of backup procedures.

Need for Backup

A consistent daily data backup practice is the core of good data security and management. The procedures used on your individual computer, laptop or notebook are critical to avoid the traumatic loss of key data, should your hardware be stolen or compromised. Anyone who has ever experienced a hard drive crash can understand the helpless and frustrated feeling of knowing that hours, days, or even months of work is irretrievably lost. No matter how tedious and unnecessary it seems, all computer users should have specific data backup procedures in place that will allow for recovery of lost data in the event of hardware or software malfunction or loss.

Storing Critical Data

Part of the process of effective data backup is to make sure the critical data is stored off site on a regular basis. By having a backup for the data in a place where a thief or hacker doesn't have access. Data that is backed up in an offsite location is safe from those who would steal the laptop or notebook. It also provides a source to replace information that has been compromised or accessed by the actions of a hacker. Backup of the data combined with other security measures provide great protection for the information you need to continue operation of your business.


I. How to Pass a Kidney Stone The 5 Best Ways to Pass a Kidney Stone Naturally -

Ouch! You are suffering from one of the most painful diseases and you are wondering how to pass a kidney stone! You are part of the 5% of the population who will develop kidney stones sometime in their life! You are not alone and water isn't the only way to flush them.

There are numerous kidney stone home remedies and many of them don't work but there are a few that do! It is important that you educate yourself on renal calculi (kidney stones) and natural health. By understanding the problem and how your body functions to flush kidney stones, you will be on a sure path to pass them in days!

Is Water the Only Way to Flush Kidney Stones?

No! Though it is a great place to start! Water is incorporated in most natural health treatment plans because there are literally thousands of benefits of drinking adequate amounts of water. If you have seen a doctor, he will typically recommend a water flush to pass your stones. But there are other remedies other than water.

Water keeps the body working at optimal levels. It has been shown that your body is 75% water. If you live in a developed country, you probably have fresh, clean water available anywhere you go. However, you also have hundreds of other beverages to choose from and we often choose the wrong ones! There is no substitute for water when it comes to being healthy!

5 Natural Remedies for Kidney Stones

Typically, the best natural remedies for kidney stones are ones that dissolve the stones and flush them with water and fiber. Because kidney stones are usually calcium-based, natural remedies that incorporate acids to dissolve the calcium stones have been shown the most effective. Here are a few!

1. What kind of water! - Start drinking distilled water if you have the option. Distilled drinking water is purified from bacteria, viruses, metals, impurities and sediments. Distilled water is a sure way to flush your stones and not add more sedimentation to your stones.

2. Lemons! Lemons are extremely healthy, citric and are also water-soluble fiber which will flush your body. It is believed that citric acid can aid in the dissolution of calcium-based kidney stones. Many of our customers add a couple slices of lemons in every drink. Fun tip! You can make free lemonade at a restaurant by mixing water, lemons and some sweetener to you glass. It's healthy and free!

3. Exercise- Are you regularly exercising or do you live a sedentary lifestyle? Did you know there are also hundreds of benefits of exercising? Exercising also prevents kidney stones but it also keeps your body flushing impurities, toxins and calcium deposits efficiently. And finally, it also makes you become thirsty which will make your drink more water. Fact! People who exercise regularly drink twice the amount of water than those who don't exercise.

4. Citrates- Citrates work by reducing the build up of uric acid and eliminating calcium salts from building up. Along with water, you should also drink a glass or two of vegetable or fruit juices such as grape, carrot or orange juices. We also recommend V8.

5. Prevention- Prevention is always the best medicine! A good way to prevent kidney stones is by reducing your sugar intake. People who eat high amounts of sugars typically are at a greater risk of kidney stones. Avoid sugary drinks and foods.

Pass Your Kidney Stones in 24 Hours….Guaranteed

Here are 5 basic and helpful kidney stone tips to get you on the right track for natural health. If you want to take your health more serious and want to flush your kidney stones by tomorrow, please check out our 100% guaranteed, research-based Kidney Stone Remedy Report.

We pride ourselves in a 6 month guarantee that goes along with our step-by-step natural remedy to flush your kidney stones. We have helped tens of thousands of sufferers and have become a leader in natural health research. And the best thing, our 24 Hour remedy uses only 2 ingredients that you probably have in your cupboard. Please check us out today!

II.Home Remedies for Kidney Stones

Kidney stones, also known as renal calculi, are rock like structures formed in the kidney. The stones are made out of certain substances that are found in the urine and can block the flow of urine and cause bladder inflammation.

The kidney stones can appear in the kidney and the ureters and cause pain during urination. It is possible to reduce the kidney stones by drinking lots of water

The most common type of kidney stone is indited of calcium oxalate crystals, and factors that promote the precipitation of crystals in the urine are associated with the development of these stones. The kidney stones can occur in the kidney and the ureters and cause pain during urination.

Kidney beans (dried French beans or Rajmah) are very effective natural remedy for kidney stones. Remove the beans from inside the pods, then slice the pods and put about sixty grams in four litre of hot water, boiling them slowly for six hours. This liquid should be strained through fine muslin and then allowed to cool for about eight hours. Again poured this fluid through another piece of muslin without stirring. Take one glass of this liquid for every two hours throughout the day for one day and, thereafter, it may be taken several times a week. This decoction would not work if it was more than twenty-four hours old.

Take a tablespoon of pomegranate seed and grind it into a fine paste and give it to the patient with a cup of horse gram soup. A cup of horse gram soup should be prepared by using two tablespoon of it.

Mix 1 tsp of the juice of Holy basil leaves and 1 tsp of honey. Take this every morning for 5-6 months.

Drink a mixture of 2 oz (60 ml) of lemon juice with 2 oz (60 ml) of olive oil and then a large glass of water. The stones should pass within 24 hours to give you relief. This remedy for kidney stones has worked for many.

If you are adapting a habit of eating less amount of meat and always give preference to eat fish then it will really prevent you from causing kidney stone. This is the best example of home remedies for kidney stone. The proteins that we get from animal meal give speed to the shaping of uric acid and calcium in the urine. This causes the formation of kidney stone in your urine. Uric acid takes shape when purines in protein foods are wrecked down. Therefore, if you are patient of uric-acid stones, it is better for you to cut back proteins.


I.Useful Remedies for Kidney Stones - Waiting for Your Kidney Stones to Pass is a Thing of the Past

There are plenty of useful remedies for kidney stones! But most doctors recommend drinking plenty of water and waiting, and waiting and waiting. There is a reason why they tell you to wait.

Fact! In about 85% of kidney stone cases, the stones are usually small enough to pass during urination. This will most likely take place within 4 days of the symptoms. And symptoms for kidney stones include a severe pain in the groin, back or side. The best treatment for these symptoms is to drink plenty of water to help the kidney stone pass. Most doctors recommend drinking 2 to 3 quarts per day and recommend taking pain killers. But is there more you can do?

You bet! And you might find yourself disappointed with your doctor's advice once you hear some other useful remedies for kidney stones.

Effective Natural Remedies for Kidney Stones

Kidney stones hurt. In fact, many women who have had kids say that kidney stone pain can be worse than pregnancy. But you do not have to deal with the pain longer than 24 hours. Did you know that 90% of kidney stones should pass within the first 24 hours of treatment if you use a few natural remedies to dissolve them? Here are some helpful and effective tips to start your treatment today.

1. Prevention and treatment usually walk hand in hand. With natural health, you can usually cure most ailments by treating the cause. Therefore, you should be drinking water (preferably distilled) because dehydration is typically the cause of most calcium based kidney stones.

2. You should also stay active. It is proven that a healthy and active body works more efficiently. All your bodily symptoms, including your kidneys, will work better. Therefore, go for that walk you seem to never have time for. Wake up early tomorrow to go to the fitness center. It could help flush your stones.

3. You should also avoid all spicy foods until your stones pass. A recent study showed how kidney stones are almost nonexistent to those cultures who eat no spicy foods.

4. You should also drink fruit and vegetable juices such as carrot, grape and orange juices. These juices contain high levels of citrates. Citrates reduce the buildup of uric acid and help eliminate the formation of calcium salts (most kidney stones are made up of calcium).

5. You should also take a magnesium supplement of no less than 300-350 mg per day. Many kidney stones sufferers are deficient in magnesium and a supplement could also aid in passing your stones.

6. Finally, phosphoric acid has also shown to be beneficial in dissolving kidney stones. Phosphoric acid is consumable and is found in everything from soft drinks to cleaning products. This type of acid gives beverages a citrusy taste and is also strong enough to remove calcium from bathtubs and showers. Visit Remedies for Kidney Stones to learn more about this remedy.

A Kidney Stone Cure in Hours

Kidney stones can be passed for less than 20 dollars. Yet millions of people will wait for weeks with excruciating pain. And many more will pay thousands of dollars for surgeries that are unneeded or doctor visits that don't do anything.

If you would like a 100% guarantee on a step by step remedy that works in less than 24 hours. Please visit our Remedies for Kidney Stones website. Cost- price of meal; Time- Less than 24 Hours; Result-Pass Kidney Stones Painlessly with 2 ingredients you can buy at any grocery store. All 100% Guaranteed!

II.What is the Best Kidney Stones Cure? A Kidney Stones Natural Remedy or Medical Treatment?

What is the best kidney stones cure? With millions of people suffering from kidney stones every day, what is the best option for treatment?

In the past, many doctors would suggest drinking as much water as possible. However, with the abundance of research on kidney stones, many doctors are now recommending more than 10 glasses of water each day. If you or a loved one is fighting kidney stones, this may be the most important information you read this year.

Kidney Stones and How You Prevent Them

A wise person once wrote, “In order to fix something, you need to know what caused the problem.” I continue to think of this old proverb whenever our research team studies the newest natural health treatment. In the cases of kidney stones, your stones were most likely caused by a lack of water.

Fact! Did you know that most kidney stones are composed of calcium that is NOT flushed by the body?

That is why one of the most effective prevention tips for kidney stones is to drink plenty of water. One research study found that you should actually be drinking half your body weight in ounces of water. Therefore, a 180 pound man would want to drink about 90 ounces of water (about 11 cups of water per day).

Fact! On your first doctor's visit, most doctors will recommend to drink plenty of water to flush your kidney stones. (I just saved you $150!)

But what about curing kidney stones?

Kidney Stones and How to Treat Them

As stated earlier, kidney stones are usually made up of calcium.

Fact! About 85% of kidney stones are made of calcium oxalate. Calcium oxalate kidney stones are one of the simplest compounds to dissolve.

Fact! Over 90% of kidney stones are 5mm or less in diameter. The smaller the kidney stone, the more likely it is to dissolve and pass painlessly.

Both of these facts have set the stage for the newest and most effective kidney stones natural remedy. Because this natural remedy uses only 2 ingredients to dissolve and help pass your kidney stones. One ingredient is used to dissolve the calcium. The other ingredient is used to flush the calcium deposits painlessly from the kidneys.

To begin your kidney stone home treatment, here are 5 quick tips to remember.

Treating Your Kidney Stones at Home

1. Treating your kidney stones at home goes hand in hand with prevention. Therefore, it is critical to be drinking plenty of water throughout your treatment and after your treatment. Obviously, it is of no use to pass your kidney stone, only to find it redevelops months later.

2. Your diet is also important to your home treatment. Because your diet has a great part in flushing your body and your kidney stones can be flushed with your diet also. It is important you eat plenty of vegetables and fruit. We recommend only 2-3 fruits per day and at least 3 vegetables a day. Fruits and veggies contain water soluble fiber which aid in flushing your kidneys.

3. It is also important to take a daily walk or exercise. Because the body is one organism, all the body parts work together. It is proven that exercise helps in all the body's functions including kidney functioning.

4. You should also avoid Diamox and Crixivan. These prescription medications have been highly linked with an increase risk of kidney stones.

5. Finally, we recommend educating yourself with kidney stone research. If you are interested in the most effective treatment for kidney stones, please visit Kidney Stones Cure.

Pass Your Kidney Stones in Less than a Day
Did you know that a kidney stones natural remedy is one of the fastest growing treatments in the United States? Many think it is because natural remedies finally have the research to prove their legitimacy. Others believe that many people do NOT want to deal with medication side effects.
Whatever the case, kidney stones are one of the simplest ailments to treat naturally. In fact, 80% of kidney stones can be passed with one simple 2-ingredient kidney stone remedy. If you would like to try a 100% guaranteed, research-based, step by step remedy, please visit our Kidney Stones Natural Remedy website.
Fact! 256 of the last 300 people who have used our remedy have passed their kidney stones without pain!


I.Discover a Wide Array of Benefits from Payroll Outsourcing

Do you know about the benefits of payroll outsourcing? For the past several years, the 'big players' in the industry has discovered a cost-effective business procedure which helps them save millions of dollars in operational costs per year: outsourcing.

When a company outsources services like customer service, technical support and payroll, a significant amount of the operational costs are slashed off. All they need to do is find a dedicated company to do a supposedly 'in house' task for them-and the outsourced firm takes care of the brunt of the work. This is exactly what happens when you are a business owner who opts for payroll outsourcing.

A Brief Overview of Payroll Outsourcing

First up, which types of business owners will benefit from payroll outsourcing? Basically, it is the small-scale to medium-scale entrepreneurs who cannot afford to maintain their own Payroll Department.

It makes perfect business sense to turn over a tedious and time-consuming task such as payroll to a team who are experts at doing it anyway. Just imagine the 'pains' that you have to go through if you are doing the payroll yourself.

Aside from needing to learn how to calculate the employee's wages, knowing how to deduct their taxes and benefits-you should also be updated with the current labor legislation. Also, you should utilize the latest payroll software, otherwise you will get charged with fees and penalties for late filing or incorrect filing.

Why go through all these hassles when they can be eliminated simply through payroll outsourcing?

So What are the Benefits of Payroll Outsourcing?

To have a deeper understanding of what payroll outsourcing can do for you as a business, take a look at the following benefits:

- You do not need to hire or train staff whose sole task is to process the payroll.

- There is no need for you to worry about deadlines not being met, and your employees will receive their salaries on time.

- Any data entry work which is related to payroll will be handled by the payroll firm that you will hire.

- The payroll outsourcing that you will hire will always upgrade the payroll software that they are using, and such upgrades will be slashed off of your operational costs as well.

- Instead of processing the payroll, you or another employee can focus on the main aspect which earns money for your business.

With all these benefits and more, why else would you not take advantage of payroll outsourcing?

II.BPO Companies: The future of outsourcing

Business Process outsourcing means delegation of work to another company. As of today, almost everyone knows the meaning of outsourcing. But, do they really understand the benefits? We would discuss some of the facts and some of the benefits.

BPO is often divided into two categories:
1. Back Office: Which includes internal business functions such as billing or purchasing.
2. Front Office: Which includes customer-related services such as marketing or tech support.

Use of a BPO as opposed to an application service provider (ASP) usually also means that a certain amount of risk is transferred to the company that is running the process elements on behalf of the outsourcer. BPO includes the software, the process management, and the people to operate the service, while a typical ASP model includes only the provision of access to functionality and features provided or 'served up' through the use of software, usually via web browser to the customer.

There are 3 types of BPO Companies:
1. Offshore Companies
2. Onshore Companies
3. Near Shore Companies

Offshore BPO Companies are companies located overseas. Most of the Offshore Companies are located in India, Philippines, China, Pakistan, etc.

Onshore companies based in the same country are called Onshore companies. For example: A company based in US outsources technical support to a US based call center.

Near Shore BPO Companies would mean companies which are based very near to the nation. For example: A Company based in Canada servicing to a US based company. Some examples of Near Shore BPO Companies are call centers based in Dominican Republic, Romania, Costa Rico, Mexico, etc.

Majority of BPO companies are located overseas and provide call center services, data entry work, email answering services, telemarketing,etc.

Benefits of Outsourcing Companies:

1. Cost Reduction: The most important factor is cost reduction. Offshore outsourcing companies operate at very low cost. An average Call center in US charges $15- $20 per hour for technical support or customer service, whereas, call centers in India charge $8 - $12 an hour for the same job.

2. 24/7 operations: BPO Companies operate 24/7 and 365 days a year. This proves to be an excellent advantage over onshore call centers.

3. Quality of Service: BPO Companies focus on delivering high quality service to the companies they work for. Quality and data security parameters like ISO, BS 7799, 6 Sigma, COPC, lean are studied and implemented to maintain high quality standards.

BPO Companies are growing rapidly as of today. In India giants like IBM, Convergys, Aegis, Wipro, GE, American Express, 24/7 have around 10000 employees offering support to developed countries worldwide.

Considering the growth of BPO Companies, it would be a wise decision to venture into the industry. Experts predict that the Outsourcing Companies will rise in near future, opening more avenues for all. One BPO Company is established almost everyday in India alone. This is not just the present, it is the future.


I.10 Steps To Finding A Project Manager

Project managers, when you hire well, can become your most favorite person on the planet. Hiring a good project manager means you can sit back and relax knowing that the project tasks are being 100% taken care of in a professional, productive, and profitable manner. It frees up your time, reduces or even eliminates stress, and increases your bottom line. However a bad hire can affect profits, increase stress which can kick your blood pressure up to dangerous levels and waste a tremendous amount of time and money. Here's how to hire a qualified project manager.

Step One: Define the job. What tasks and responsibilities will the manager be responsible for? For example, imagine you're hiring a project manager to build and oversee your website. That might include hiring or outsourcing a website designer, adding necessary code or hiring people to accomplish that, graphic designers, content management and link building and SEO.

Step Two: Determine what knowledge your manager must have. Do they need to know how to write code, hire contractors, work with shopping cart and affiliate management software, write content or graphic design? Do they need to have specific industry knowledge? For example, if you hire a manager to oversee the shipping and fulfillment of your pet products do they need to have pet industry knowledge or simply be capable of effective communication and an attention to detail?

Step Three: What skills does your project manager need to have? Skills differ from knowledge in that knowledge is necessary to understand tasks, which can be outsourced, whereas skills are necessary to perform tasks.

Step Four: Create a complete job description and be sure to include: attention to detail, excellent communication skills, ability to assemble a team, ability to see a project through to completion and the ability to work independently. It's important that your project manager be able to take the ball and run with it without your intervention or motivation. That's why you're hiring a project manager after all.

Step Five: Determine how much you can afford to pay. Remember, a great manager is going to free up countless hours from your schedule - this is time you can focus on increasing your hourly value and ultimately your bottom line.

Step Six: Instead of posting the position on a random hiring website, consider asking friends and associates if they know anyone who might be qualified and/or interested. Look to your current contractors and employees too. Is there anyone who always seems to perform better than expected? Anyone who you're currently working with who can jump right into the position with little or no training time?

Step Seven: Hire someone on a three month trial basis. This gives you an out if they're not working out.

Step Eight: Create training sheets so your project manager can start the job without needing to check with you every day for answers and feedback.

Step Nine: Create systems and measurements so you can evaluate their performance. Make your project manager a part of creating these systems and measurements so they know how they're expected to perform and can also assess their goals and achievements.

Step Ten: Provide incentives and rewards for a project manager who gets the job done. This can be a percentage of the profits, a raise, or a gift token of your appreciation. Most people prefer money! Consider chipping in for medical insurance since most managers are contractors and are paying for their own benefits.

Hiring a manager to handle your projects is a smart business choice. Take your time to plan the position and search for the right candidate. You'll be glad you did.

II.Do I Need Payroll Outsourcing?

Often businesses find it difficult to complete their payroll in-house for a variety of reasons and as a result they will push payroll to the bottom of the ‘to do’ list. This is a very unwise thing to do as not only is it a legal obligation of all business owners who employ others, it is also essential to ensure that sickness and pension payments are calculated and paid as necessary. If a business owner registers their business as having employees PAYE tax must be calculated and those deductions must be sent to the Inland Revenue on the due payment dates. If this is not done the business owner will receive calls from the Inland Revenue and if the PAYE is still not done this can then lead to a visit from a bailiff to recover goods or money to the value of the outstanding debt.
With this in mind it is imperative that all business owners have their payroll completed in compliance with the tax laws. If you are unable to process payroll in-house you need to use the services of a payroll outsourcing company. These are a service that will complete all calculations relating to payroll, all data entry, produce all P45’s and P60’s, process new starters and leavers, print out and mail payslips and ensure that this is all done on time and in line with when you pay your staff. On top of this companies that provide payroll outsourcing keep up to date with payroll legislation so you don’t have to and they also ensure that they have the very lasts in payroll software and hardware – once again saving you the expense of doing so yourself. So, if you find that any of the following apply you certainly need payroll outsourcing –
• You don’t have the technical knowledge to complete payroll correctly
• You can never have your payroll completed on time and receive regular fines
• You can’t afford to buy new software and hardware to complete payroll
• You don’t have the time to complete payroll for your business
• You are unaware of legislation relating to payroll calculations
• You can’t afford to employ someone to complete payroll for you on your premises
Perhaps more than one of the above apply to you and your situation and if this is the case you most certainly need payroll outsourcing, so don’t wait any longer, get your payroll outsourced as soon as possible.